Resolution of Urinary incontinence following Chiropractic BioPhysics protocol to reduce vertebral subluxations
Resolution of Urinary incontinence following Chiropractic BioPhysics protocol to reduce vertebral subluxations
- Jason Jaeger, D.C.
- Robert Moore, D.C.
- Lyle Burkhardt, D.C.
Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research 2014; August 27: 145-152.
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Objective: To document the effectiveness of chiropractic and structural rehabilitation on a patient with urinary incontinence and vertebral subluxations.
Clinical Feature: A 63 year old female presented with a recent history of urinary incontinence and pain. The problem started before seeking chiropractic care. Radiographs revealed a kyphotic/hypolordic cervical spine, laterally translated cervical spine, anterior head carriage along with a laterally translated lumbar spine and vertebral subluxations.
Intervention and Outcome: The patient was managed for twenty two visits over 54 days. Care included chiropractic adjustments, postural correction exercises, spinal traction, cryotherapy and stretching. Static posture and x-ray radiographs were used to determine what exercises and traction were needed following Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) protocol. X-ray radiographs, motion palpation and static palpation were used to determine the location of chiropractic adjustments. Throughout care there was a complete resolution of urinary incontinence, correction of spinal alignment closer to the accepted normal value and almost a complete resolution of pain.
Conclusions: This case shows improvement in subject and objective measurements after conservative chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments along with spinal correction exercises following CBP protocol may benefit patients experiencing urinary incontinence.