Conservative Treatment of a Patient with Syringomyelia Using Chiropractic Biophysics Protocols
Conservative Treatment of a Patient with Syringomyelia Using Chiropractic Biophysics Protocols
- Jason W. Haas, DC
- Deed E. Harrison, DC
- Donald D. Harrison, PhD, DC, MSE
- Brian Bymers, DC
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. July/August 2005; 28(6):452.
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Conservative Treatment of a Patient with Syringomyelia Using Chiropractic Biophysics Protocols
Objective: To present a case of a 41-year-old man with syringomyelia and intractable pain and the subsequent reduction of symptoms.
Clinical Features: This patient acquired a traumatically induced syrinx in his upper cervical spinal cord after he fell approximately 9 feet and landed on his head, upper back, and neck 9 years before presenting for care. He was diagnosed with a spinal cord cyst (syrinx), located at approximately C2 through C4 after magnetic resonance imaging. In 1995, the patient underwent occipitoatlantal decompression surgery, which improved his symptoms for a short time.
Intervention and Outcomes: The patient was treated using Clinical Biomechanics of Posture protocol. The patient was seen 26 times over the course of 3 weeks. His scale for pain severity decreased 50% and other subjective complaints decreased. His posture improved based upon pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cervical radiographs, showing a change from a 108 lordosis with midcervical kyphosis to a 308 lordosis. One-year follow-up examination showed stable improvement in the cervical lordosis and pain intensity.
Conclusion: This case represents a change in subjective and objective measurements after conservative chiropractic care. This case provides an example that structural rehabilitation may have a positive effect on symptoms of a patient with syringomyelia. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2005;28:452.e1- 452.e7)