Alleviation of shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) pain and disability following COVID-19 vaccine with chiropractic biophysics ® (CBP ®) methods: a case report and long-term follow-up with global implications

Alleviation of shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) pain and disability following COVID-19 vaccine with chiropractic biophysics ® (CBP ®) methods: a case report and long-term follow-up with global implications


  • Jason W. Haas, DC
  • Paul A. Oakley, DC, PhD(c), MSc
  • Deed E. Harrison


The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 35: 831-837, 2023

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Alleviation of shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) pain and disability following COVID-19 vaccine with chiropractic biophysics® (CBP®) methods: a case report and long-term follow-up with global implications


Abstract. [Purpose] To present the dramatic improvement in posture, radiographic parameters and the alleviation of neck and severe shoulder pain related to shoulder injury associated with vaccine administration (SIRVA) after a COVID-19 injection with a shoulder mobility and posture rehabilitation program. [Participant and Methods] A middle-aged male presented complaining of severe left shoulder pain evolving since receiving a COVID-19 vac-
cination. The pain was severe and throbbed into the neck. Posture analysis showed a chronic stooped posture with forward head posture and thoracic hyperkyphosis. Treatment included 42 sessions of Chiropractic Biophysics® technique and a shoulder rehabilitation program using three-dimensional vibration. [Results] At 4-months, the patient reported no neck or shoulder pain. There was a 60% decrease in neck disability. The forward head decreased 34 mm, thoracic hyperkyphosis decreased 13°, and T1–T12 forward lean decreased 73 mm, among other radiographic parameters. Re-assessment after 26-months showed maintenance of the treatment induced posture/x-ray corrections and shoulder pain relief. [Conclusion] This case demonstrates immediate and long-term improvement in a patient suffering from COVID-19 vaccine SIRVA, concomitant with neck pain and disability as well as significant radiographic postural/spinal deformity. These conditions all improved and were maintained at a 2 year follow-up without further treatment.

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